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Activity Tracker

Replace your static spreadsheet tracker

Visual Tracker

Automatically colour-code designs & drawings

Mobile App

Report progress easily in the field

Automated Handover Notifications

Send notifications to trades' mobile devices

Deliverables List & Reports

See and share all deliverables in one report

Workflow Templates

Build repeatable process workflows

Progress Audit Trail

Stay protected with a digital progress record



QA Checklist

Assure quality and build Right First Time

Activity Sign-off

Get notifications and sign-off trades' work

Issue Sign-off

Get notifications when issues are flagged

Issue List & Reports

See and share all issues in one report

Issue Templates

Build repeatable issues workflows

Photo Documentation

Stay compliant with geo-tagged photos

Quality Audit Trail

Stay protected with a digital quality record



Commercial Dashboard

Link costs directly to your site activities

Commercial Look-Ahead

See forecasted costs from your programme

Commercial Planned Works Valuation

Easily valuate actual achieved planned works

Baseline Scheduling

Transform your baseline into a production plan

Look-Ahead Planning

Update look-ahead plan based on data

Planned vs Actual Dashboards

Understand the performance of all teams



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Sablono Track Free replaces your existing spreadsheet tracker for simple progress reporting on-site.

Try it for free



Use Sablono to minimise defects, get to the root cause of quality issues and streamline your workflows to get it right first time.

The better QA system


Construction tracker Excel template

We would like to share with you this interactive construction tracker pulled directly from the Sablono system.

Download the tracker and customise it to suit your project.
MicrosoftTeams-image (47)

Construction Tracker template

What is a construction tracker? Construction trackers are tools on a construction site that record progress on projects and provide an overview of site activities. 

They provide upstream reporting to communicate with stakeholders about whether the project is on track, in addition to subcontractor reporting to coordinate workers and trades. 

Construction trackers also enable look-ahead planning so you can plan for the upcoming days, weeks and months.

An even better way to track your projects


Excel Trackers vs Track Free

Anticipation (1)

The truth is, Excel trackers only provide a partial solution to tracking construction projects.

They crucially fail to connect your people and processes which almost always leads to:

  • Information silos - Each team has their own Excel tracker which is disconnected from the actual construction site and is difficult to collaborate on.
  • Errors - The manual approach to tracking projects using spreadsheets leads to errors and a misinterpretation of data. 
  • Wasted time - Time is wasted trying to collect, align and process project data from different sources.
  • Confusion - An unclear picture of what is actually happening on your project.

    {See more reasons why Excel trackers are outdated here: Track Free vs Excel Trackers}

    But Sablono changes things...

Sablono Track Free

  • One centralised tracker for a single version of the truth.
  • A tracker that is connected to your actual construction site.

  • Simplified collaboration across your teams.

  • Faster and easier access to your project data.

  • Greater visibility on your projects

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